St. Timothy's
Confirmation is where the promises made in baptism -- either on your behalf as a young child or sometime ago -- are reaffirmed; thereby, committing oneself again to Christ and as a member of the Anglican Church.
Reception into the Anglican Church is for those who have come to the Anglican Church from another Christian faith tradition, have been confirmed there by a Bishop, but wish to be more "officially received" as a member of the Anglican Church and in Communion with it. Reception is not necessary for one to be a full part of the St. Timothy's community.
At St. Timothy's, building on a resource from the Diocese of Western Newfoundland, Clare+ has developed a comprehensive preparation programme for candidates for confirmation and/or reception. The areas of study are:
The Church and Belonging
What are Baptism, Confirmation and Reception?
Seasons of the Church and Feast Days
Symbols, Vestments, and Furnishings
Holy Eucharist
The Scriptures
The Ten Commandments and The Creeds
Stewardship & Outreach
Church Organization
Classes began during Lent 2024, but there is still time for anyone who is interested to join. Please contact the church office for more information.
The Rt. Rev. Stephen London, Bishop of Edmonton will be at St. Timothy's on Sunday November 24, 2024 the feast of Christ the King for a service of confirmation.