St. Timothy's
St. Timothy's places a high value on
Christian Education opportunities
for Adult Learners.
Many of our parishioners have completed the
Education for Ministry (EfM) programme.
Below you will find information on current opportunities, and also an example of some of the types of learning opportunities that have been offered in the past.
Book Club
Book Club meets on Monday afternoons from 1 pm to 2:30ish on Zoom. Book Club is a time of fellowship, lively discussion, and frequently the issuing of challenges to the Rector for seemingly impossible sermon topics. All are welcome to join us. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
Discussion Group
Every so often a group gathers at the church to watch a film and have a discussion. Inspiration to watch a film comes from an idea sparked during a regular sermon, sometimes out of discussions at book club, and sometimes because the Rector just decides we should gather!
Sometimes we have popcorn and other treats, and sometimes we bring our own lunch.
Past films or series we have watched include:
Shadowlands starring Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger
Babe starring James Cromwell
The Story of God with Morgan Freeman produced by National Geographic
The Calling: seven lives. four faiths. one calling produced by PBS
1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture winner of "Best of Fest" at the Palm Springs International Film Festival 2023
The Ultimate Gift starring Drew Fuller, Abigail Breslin, and James Garner
Learning Events
From time to time, Clare+ will prepare a one-time or a series of learning events. Past topics have included:
The BCP and The BAS provided a brief history of the Book of Common Prayer and the Book of Alternative Services, with a discussion of their theological differences
The Church and Human Sexuality: Queer Christians & the Anglican Church explored the history of both civil law in Canada and discussions within the Anglican Communion / Anglican Church of Canada regarding the place of queer Christians within the Church. A copy of the a presentation, as presented by Rev. Clare at a later date to the Clergy community can be found by clicking here.
The Kiss of Peace explored the history of the Passing the Peace that forms part of Anglican (other other denominations) worship services, how the practice has changed over the centuries, and examines the Pauline epistles as a possible explanation for the origins of the Kiss of Peace among the early Christians.
The Last Week was prepared as a 5-part Lenten Series and, using the book of the same name by Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan, explored the events of Christ's final week in Jerusalem from Palm Sunday through the Day of Resurrection.
Prayer Beads and Prayer Boxes was an interactive session where participants could make their own prayer box or a set of Anglican Prayer Beads.